
膀胱自由收縮!新品上市可通寶是男性的新救星!你是否有尿失禁、排尿困難、夜間頻尿等問題?新發現的 Monascuspiloin (MP) 能緩解"前列腺肥大"的問題"前列腺細胞異常增生"是由於睪固酮經"5α-還原酶"轉化為"雙氫睪固酮"(DHT)後,
Monascuspiloin (MP) 可以抑制"5α-還原酶"的活性,
並已獲得台灣和美國的發明專利。✓ 台灣發明,國際專利。
✓ 經動物測試證明安全。
✓ 微生物發酵是純天然食品,不含西藥,無副作用。
✓ 約50%的50歲以上男性患有前列腺肥大。台灣專利 TW I437001
美國專利 US 8957057

Bladder disease refers to any condition that affects the bladder's ability to function properly. Common bladder diseases include:

1. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): Infections that occur when bacteria enter the urinary system, often causing symptoms such as a burning sensation during urination and frequent urination.

2. Overactive Bladder (OAB): A condition characterized by a sudden, involuntary contraction of the bladder muscle, leading to an urgent need to urinate.

3. Interstitial Cystitis (IC): Also known as painful bladder syndrome, IC is a chronic condition causing bladder pressure, bladder pain, and sometimes pelvic pain.

4. Bladder Cancer: A type of cancer that begins in the cells of the bladder and can cause blood in the urine, pain, and changes in bladder habits.

5. Bladder Stones: Hard masses of minerals in the bladder that can cause pain, infection, and other urinary symptoms.

6. Neurogenic Bladder: A condition where the nerves that control the bladder are damaged, leading to difficulties in urination.

These diseases can have various causes, including infections, inflammation, injury, or neurological conditions. Symptoms often include frequent urination, urgency, pain during urination, and in severe cases, blood in the urine. Treatment depends on the specific condition and its severity.


1. 尿路感染 (UTIs):當細菌進入泌尿系統時引起的感染,通常會引起排尿時的灼熱感和頻繁排尿的症狀。

2. 膀胱過動症 (OAB):一種以膀胱肌肉突然、無意識收縮為特徵的狀況,導致強烈的尿急感。

3. 間質性膀胱炎 (IC):也稱為膀胱疼痛綜合症,IC是一種慢性病,會引起膀胱壓力、膀胱疼痛,有時還會引起骨盆疼痛。

4. 膀胱癌:始於膀胱細胞的一種癌症,可能導致尿液中帶血、疼痛以及排尿習慣的改變。

5. 膀胱結石:在膀胱中形成的礦物質硬塊,可能引起疼痛、感染和其他泌尿症狀。

6. 神經性膀胱:控制膀胱的神經受損,導致排尿困難的一種狀況。
